2024 - November

"Gratitude, Abundance & Joy" - Meditation Series

Wednesdays - online with Sifu Emiko Hsuen

When one is grateful, abundance and joy naturally arise in the life. It is also true that when one is stressed, worried or upset, what arises is more of the same.

The precursor to experiencing all positive states is to relax. Relaxing with a gentle focus enables space to appear. By remaining in this spaciousness for long enough, energy flow arises. With energy flow comes abundance and joy.

How can one relax? By first generating gratitude and/or thankfulness for what is already working well in the life.

Open to beginners and masters alike, each week there will be a short talk, followed by practice, and time for a Q&A at the end. 

Nov 13, 20, 27, Dec 4.
8:00pm to 9:15pm, EST
Fee: $60 per session, or $200 for the whole series

To apply or enquire further, click on the button below, or write to: admin@springkicks.com.